
OCD Obsessive Cleaning Disorder Funny T-shirt Unisex huppari

37,29 $

OCD Obsessive Cleaning Disorder Funny T-shirt Unisex huppari

37,29 $
Lisätuotteita ja lisävarusteitaUnisex huppari

Unisex huppari

Löydä modernien huppareiden valikoimamme sporttisen tyylikkääseen lookiin. Personoidut Teezily-hupparit sopivat mihin tahansa asuun!

  • Istuvuus: Klassinen malli
  • Hihat: Pitkähihainen malli
  • Yksityiskohdat: Nyöritetty huppu (nyörit samansävyiset), kengurutaskut
  • Kankaan laatu: 280g/m² - 8oz/yd²
  • Materiaali: 50% puuvillaa, 50% polyesteriä
Kampanjan tiedot

Special Offer, not available in shops

Comes in a variety of styles and colours

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How to place an order

  1. Choose the model from the drop-down menu
  2. Click on "Buy it now"
  3. Choose the size and the quantity
  4. Add your delivery address and bank details
  5. And that's it!

Tags: This OCD Obsessive Compulsive Cleaning tshirt is a funny gift for people who love to clean all day, and are obsessive cleaners and neat freaks., This cleaning tshirt is an ideal gift for mothers, wives, girlfriends, fathers, husbands and boyfriends who love to clean. Christmas, Birthdays, Valentine's Day, Father's Day, Mother's Day, Anniversaries and Weddings.