Echa un vistazo a nuestra selección de sudaderas Teezily personalizadas. ¡Tanto chic como casual, se adaptarán a cada uno de tus eventos!
Corte: Corte Clásico
Tipo de manga: Manga larga
Tipo de cuello: Cuello redondo
Calidad de la tela: 270g/m² - 8oz/yd²
Material: 50% algodón, 50% poliéster
Detalles de la campaña
The Great Hunt for the Horn of Valere to The Last Battle.
Last Battles Come and Go but The Wheel of Time is Forever.
Horn sounder, sing us to Victory in the last battle to end and recreate the Wheel of Time. The Great Hunt must go on.
To attract the eyes of the world, the dragon reborn call for the Great Hunt. With the shadow rising everywhere, Rand al Thor call for Fire of Heavens to defeat Lord of Chaos and win the Crown of Swords. Treading the path of daggers, bearing winter's heart, holding the knife of dreams, he will go beyond the crossroad of twilights. The gathering storms outline the Towers of midnight, with lightning and thunders, remind people of a Memory of Light. A New Spring comes, with caw of ravens.
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