
HAMMER OF THE GODS SHIRT Rundhals T-Shirt Unisex

10,05 €

HAMMER OF THE GODS SHIRT Rundhals T-Shirt Unisex

10,05 €
Zusätzliche Produkte und OptionenRundhals T-Shirt Unisex

Rundhals T-Shirt Unisex

Individuell gestaltete kurzärmlige T-Shirts für Männer sind ein perfektes und zeitloses Geschenk. Ihr Rundhalsausschnitt und klassischer Schnitt werten jedes Outfit auf.

  • Passform: Classic Fit
  • Ärmelform: Kurzarm
  • Kragenform: Rundhals
  • Materialqualität: 150g/m² - 4,5oz/yd²
  • Material: 100% Baumwolle
Details zur Kampagne

Don this great shirt to commemorate the release of Sword and Sorcery anthology 'Hammer of the Gods' and join the warriors of Odin! Serves as body armour against all manner of Elves and Dragons. Makes you impervious to magic spells - especially the 'monotony of reality' spell - and complete strangers will suddenly stop and talk to you, ask you for your number and more! Deflects political discussion and bosses questions on your work (we think). May even help you summon ancient Gods to make difficult work deadlines a thing of the past. Give it a try today!