
T-shirt Man/Woman DanishTrio Barcelona Unisex-T-shirt m. rund hals

25,90 €

T-shirt Man/Woman DanishTrio Barcelona Unisex-T-shirt m. rund hals

25,90 €
Yderligere produkter og mulighederUnisex-T-shirt m. rund hals
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Unisex-T-shirt m. rund hals

Speciallavet herre-T-shirt med korte ærmer er den perfekte tidsløse gave. Dens runde hals og klassiske pasform vil supplere ethvert af dine outfits.

  • Pasform: kropsnær pasform
  • Ærmetype: Korte ærmer
  • Halsudskæring: Rund hals
  • Kvalitetsstof: 150g/m² - 4,5oz/yd²
  • Materiale: 100% bomuld

10th Anniversary of the Danish Trio - 3nd T-shirt
Ten Collection / Ten T-shirt. Each month will come out with a unique design T-shirt to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of  the Danish Trio with Stefano Bollani, Jesper Bodilsen and Morten Lund.
Each design is printed in a limited edition and sold only online for a limited time of 20 days.
This time we collaborate with Francesca D’Alfonso, illustrator and sculptress, who lives and works in Barcelona. Part of the profit it will be donated to Emergency.

Here you can choose between man and woman model in different colors.